Saturday, October 24, 2009

El Otro lado de la Inmigración


Conocer más sobre la inmigración
Desarrollar el pensamineto crítico y reflexivo
Desarrollar las habilidades auditivas, orales, comprensivas y escritura de los estudinates.

PARTE I - Introducción

Before watching the videos for this lesson, on a separate piece of paper answer the following questions:

1. ¿Qué palabras relacionas con inmigración ilegal?
What words do you associate with illegal immigration?

2. ¿Qué razones, piensas tú, tienen las personas para inmigrar? What causes people to immigrate?

PARTE II - Video 1

Watch the following video "El otro lado de la inmigración"

After watching the video, answer the following questions (you can use English, Spanglish or Spanish for your answers):

1. ¿Qué piensas acerca de la inmigración ilegal? what do you think about illegal immigration?
2. Nombra tres causas que promueven la inmigración. Name at least three causes that causes illegal immigration

To answer the questions, go to the following program: Vocaroo

When recording your answers, make sure your microphone is working properly. You will have the chance to listen to your answers before sending them to your teacher.

Once you finish your recording, send the voice message to the teacher's email:

PARTE III - Video 2
Watch the following video: "Entrevista al director del documental: El otro lado de la inmigración".

After watching the interview, answer the following question:

1. ¿Qué soluciones propone el director y cuáles propones tú para resolver el problema de la inmigraciónn ilegal? What solutions does the director propose and which ones do you propose to solve the illegal immigration problem?

Write your answer in the following chat application. Write your name and your answer.

PARTE IV - Escribir un artículo pequeño sobre la inmigración

a) Read the following article about the immigration:

Looking beyond the border

b) Write your short article about the immigration using The newspaper clipping

Enter the following information for the article (Spanish):
Name of newspaper:
Enter your story:

Once you are done entering your story, click on GENERATE

You will see your newspaper clip. Below this image, click on DOWNLOAD YOUR IMAGE.

Attach the image (file with .jpg) you downloaded to an email message to the teacher (

PARTE V - Song

Listen to the song about immigration for your enjoyment.

Write a comment about this lesson.


  1. Esta fue una tarea bien. Me gustó más que la anterior porque era más corto y más fácil de entender. Creo que deberías hacer estas cesiones de crédito extra! :]

  2. Me gusta esta actividad de web. Me gusta la traducción inglesa para cada pregunta. Es fácil de comprender. Yo no pienso que usted debe tener una actividad de micrófono. Lo hace difícil si usted no tiene un micrófono. Pienso parte cinco también confunden y las necesidades de ser explicadas mejor.


  3. La actividad fue muy divertido y interesante, y me gustan los traducciones!

  4. I think brutal and unsympathetic honesty (and tactics) will, ultimately, have the greatest effect and do the most good to the most people in the case of illegal immigration. ~ Jeff M.

  5. It's good to have perspective but not when everyone is tiptoeing around and trying not to be "offensive" and non-confrontational. I think these kind of discussions only work when everyone feels comfortable saying what they really feel and backing it up with what they perceive to be the facts at hand. ~Jeff M.

  6. I think this is a good lesson to help people gain an idea of what is happening, and form their own opinion upon the subject, however, with all discussions with bery broad, very opinionated discussions such as this, much of the information is biased. Yet this information can still provide a good basis of understanding.

  7. This activity was very good. It helped me get a better understanding on different perspects on some of the stuff that was reported in this activity

  8. Cass Henderson

    Part 1
    1. Running away, hiding, bad economy
    2. I think that bad homeland situations cause people to immigrate, or family, but the main reason is probably money.
    Part 2
    1. I think that illegal immigration is kind of silly. I believe that we should help people out, even if they aren’t from America, I still believe that people are people and when they need help, we should help.
    2. Lack of money, poor government, bad home life
    Part 3
    1. The director of this film suggests that we stop looking at border control, but look at the ideals of Mexico and what causes people to come over to America and how we can invest in Mexico to make it better. Also, to have a temporary labor program to gain some income and then go back home to help maintain their lives at home.
    2. I think that he has a great point, that what we are doing right now about illegal immigration is not working, so we should work to try and fix what is going on now. I believe that the idea of having a temporary labor program for people would be a great idea, I think that it probably will have to have quite a bit of rules to go along with it, but I think that it can definitely work.
